Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety in California

You want to prioritize your mental health, but it hasn’t been easy when you’re juggling many other demands in your life.

Your schedule is jam-packed and you’re caught up in ‘busy culture’, even when you don’t want to be. Between hustling all day at the office, juggling that never-ending to-do list, or taking that vacation from your ‘vacation’, it’s rough trying to fit more in! You recognize that not taking care of your mental health comes at a cost. You’re not showing up as the spouse, parent, friend, or family member you want to be to those closest to you. You used to take walks along the San Diego coast in La Jolla Beach. But lately, you’ve been disconnected from the activities that once fueled your soul. It feels extra hard to excel at work like you once did. It’s a catch-22 situation. Carving out time for therapy means less time for other important things. But not doing so means your mental health declines and you’re less capable of giving attention to those very same important things.

But what if you could have it both ways?

Aerial view of La Jolla beach in San Diego representing a calmer life after prioritizing mental health with online therapy. Online therapy for OCD and anxiety in California is accessible and effective. Contact an OCD and anxiety therapist for help.

Online therapy for OCD and Anxiety in California may be the solution for you.

You want specialized therapy but also need services that fit your lifestyle. I get it. I offer customized and compassionate care covering a wide scope of issues with a specialty in the areas of OCD, anxiety disorders, and perfectionism. You can get effective mental health services through a secure video platform. And it won’t matter where you are in California because you won’t have to go through the hassle of getting to an office.

Benefits of Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety in California

Online therapy will save you time, frustrating commutes, and allow for increased flexibility. Read below to learn more about the benefits of online therapy in California.

Convenience and flexibility

Online therapy can happen nearly anytime and anywhere, so long as you are in an appropriate location within your therapist’s state of licensure. Being able to decide where and when to have therapy gives you more freedom. You get to make it work with your lifestyle and schedule. Sessions can take place in the privacy of your parked car between errands. You can have therapy in the upstairs bedroom while your partner watches the kids in the living room. You could have therapy on your couch with your dog resting on your lap. You can even have therapy at the office during your work day. That means you won't have to get on a waitlist for a coveted evening appointment or narrow your therapist options because of scheduling. All you need is an electronic device, internet connection, and you’re good to go!

Minimal to no travel

If spending extra time in notorious LA or San Francisco traffic doesn’t sound appealing, you’re not alone. You won’t be getting stuck on the I-405 gridlock or have to navigate the dreadful Bay Area’s congestion when Zoom is your destination. BART might be fine for commuting to and from work, but maybe you don’t want to take an extra ride if you don’t have to. Online therapy will save you time, gas, money, and travel. The most you’ll probably have to do is walk to a different room or stand up to shut the door.

Aerial city view of downtown LA with notorious DTLA traffic. One of the benefits of online therapy for OCD and anxiety in California is minimal to no travel. Contact and OCD of and anxiety therapist to get started!


Online therapy has gained popularity in recent times and research shows that it is just as effective as in-person therapy. While online therapy does have its limitations compared to the brick-and-mortar office experience, its benefits also make it a worthwhile option. And for some clients, this option is the only reason they can participate in therapy at all. 

Increased privacy and comfort

It was hard enough to find a therapist and reach out. Now you want to be in a comfortable and familiar space during sessions. That’s ok. You get to decide where you want to have therapy. Even though there is no shame in seeking out mental health services, maybe you’re not ready to risk running into someone you know as you’re heading to your therapy appointment in Downtown LA.  Maybe your social anxiety makes it hard to be in a waiting room with others. These can all be real barriers for some. That won’t be an issue with online therapy. Even a virtual ‘waiting room’ will only include you.

Greater accessibility

You are not limited to only the therapists within your driving radius. You have a greater opportunity to find the right provider when you can search for therapists within the entire state. Perhaps you reside in the outskirts of Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Francisco proper, but want to tap into the resources that these big cities have to offer. Whether you’re in Orange County, Oakland, or further inland in Riverside, you could widen your search and reach a greater network of providers while eliminating travel.

Online therapy sessions increase accessibility when it comes to a disability or injury. Unexpected situations like inclement weather or illness do not have to stop you from attending your mental health appointments. Traveling or moving to another part of the state does not have to interrupt or end care. You can stay with the therapist you’ve bonded with through life transitions. Moving from your West Hollywood apartment to your new home in Irvine doesn’t have to cause a change.

California art map showing San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Irvine in Orange County. One of the benefits of online therapy in California is accesibility. Connect with an OCD and anxiety therapist in California no matter where you are!

If this sounds good to you already, connect with Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety! Schedule a complimentary call below.

Online Therapy for Anxiety in California

Online therapy could be great for the treatment of anxiety. It provides the same opportunity as in-person therapy to do evidence-based treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based work. The ability to share screens allows for easy review of thought records when doing CBT for anxiety. And a virtual platform is just as effective when it comes to doing guided exercises in session.

Online Therapy for OCD in California

Since OCD symptoms can get in the way of important daily functioning, treatment goals will likely include exposure exercises designed to do the very things that clients might be avoiding or enduring with great difficulty. Therapy for some clients has included grocery shopping without engaging in contamination rituals, packing luggage in a not “just right” way, replying to a work email without excessive checking behaviors, or exercising at the gym without getting caught up in morality-based mental compulsions. So when you find yourself wondering how you will fit therapy into your schedule, remember that sessions may allow you to simultaneously complete real-life tasks that you may not have done otherwise, or that may have taken you much longer to do. There’s nothing better than experiencing a successful exposure and a completed task with the dual advantage that online therapy for OCD has to offer.

Califonia map zoomed into San Francisco and pinned red flag with the words Silicon Valley. One of the benefits of online therapy for OCD in California is being able to fulfill every day tasks while in session. Connect with an online OCD specialist!

A benefit of Online Therapy in California is that you can be in your Silicon Valley office while your therapist is in Los Angeles. No travel involved, so it’s all good!

Reach out to connect with Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety in California. Contact me to schedule your 15-minute intro call.

Online Therapy for Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in California

Social anxiety can limit clients who need care because the symptoms themselves can make it hard to take those initial steps of connecting to therapy. The idea of having to share personal information with someone who you do not know can be daunting. And yet, I’ve had many clients who have been very courageous and achieved things that they never thought they would! Online therapy offers greater comfort and privacy when it might feel hard to make it to an office. In addition, there are many ways to engage in the behavioral part of treatment with exposure exercises that we can take to social settings and do in real-time. For example, if you find it difficult to ask a stranger for help, we may have you gradually build up to going to a convenience store and asking an employee for assistance. This will all happen while having me on your mobile device providing clinical guidance and support.

Online Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy in California

Online therapy can be extremely advantageous with a modality like Exposure and Response Prevention. ERP therapy is known to be effective for OCD and all kinds of anxiety disorders. Since you are not bound to a traditional office setting with online ERP therapy, you can virtually take your therapist into your living space or another agreed location. You get greater therapeutic value when you can be in the very places where you experience triggers and get caught up in compulsions or safety-seeking behaviors. You are not limited to office exposure exercises and there is no potential burden of additional time and costs associated with having your therapist physically meeting you elsewhere.

Irvine Spectrum ferris wheel in Orange County near Newport Beach. One of the benefits of Exposure and Response Prevention therapy in California is greater opportunities for ERP exposures in every day locations. Connect with an online ERP therapist!

Now is the time to begin Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety in California. It can be done anywhere.

Ready to reap the benefits of Online Therapy in California? Reach out!