Reclaiming Your Life is Possible

Online Therapy for OCD and Anxiety

Serving Adults in California and New York

Life has become a daily battle with your thoughts and fears.

Let’s change that.

You are anxious and exhausted.

The daily mental aerobics and repetitive behaviors are keeping you from enjoying life. You’re stuck in your head, like an inescapable labyrinth. And it’s tiring. You judge yourself for having strange, scary, taboo, or even gross thoughts. You work endlessly to figure out how to stop and control them. You’re terrified of what you might not know and spend excessive amounts of time trying to ensure certainty. The relief is only temporary…. and so the cycle goes on.

White labyrinth representing being stuck in anxious thoughts and anxious loops. Anxiety treatment can help you manage your thinking spirals. Connect with an anxiety therapist in Orange County, CA and throughout California.

At times it seems as though your mind is divided.

The rational part that knows better, and the irrational part that seems to always dominate. What you know to be illogical, feels so real or urgent in those challenging moments. You may feel foolish for having to do ordinary things in such an extraordinary way. You don’t want to be this way. It interferes with your life and ability to function each day. The chronic doubt and confusion make you lose trust in yourself.

Line art of a divided brain representing OCD logical and illogical mind. OCD can make you lose trust in yourself by causing confusion and doubt with obsessions that feel so real. Connect with an OCD therapist in Los Angeles, CA for help!

You’re losing sight of the present moment.

Your mind is either reviewing the past or living in a future that hasn’t happened. This cycle prevents you from living the way you want. You’re unable to connect like you used to with the people and activities that matter. You’re in a constant state of internal chaos, often masked from those around you.

Colorful circular painting representing OCD and anxiety cycle. OCD and anxiety can keep you in a state of internal chaos. Connect with OCD therapy in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Franciso, San Diego, and throughout California.

Relief is possible and YOU DESERVE IT.

You deserve to live your life without feeling consumed by doubt, fear, and distress. It’s possible to feel like you are no longer being held hostage by your thoughts. It’s possible to no longer rely on time consuming rituals and to feel better. You don’t have to be a pawn in your own life anymore.

Chess pawn with a queen reflection representing recovery from OCD. OCD obsessions don't have to continue causing you distress. Connect with an OCD therapist in San Francisco Bay area, San Diego, or anywhere in California.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to help. You don’t have to wait until things feel out of control. Learn about me as an OCD and Anxiety Therapist and connect below.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) working with adults dealing with fear-based symptoms related to OCD, social anxiety, and other anxiety issues. I particularly enjoy helping individuals who self-describe as perfectionists, those who believe they are getting in their own way of living the life they want. I invite you to browse my website and learn more about these issues and how I could help.

Hey! I’m Michelle.

I’m an OCD and Anxiety Therapist helping clients throughout California and New York.

Learn more about me as an OCD specialist here.

I offer a complimentary 15-minute intro call that you can schedule by clicking below.


Online Therapy in California and New York

  • OCD brain line art on gray background representing struggles with obsessive thinking and compulsions. OCD symptoms can be exhausting. Contact an OCD therapist in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA. 90048 | 90069 | 90401

    OCD Therapy

    Are you struggling with obsessions and repetitive behaviors that are causing you anxiety and distress? Is it getting harder to engage in life because of them? Learn more about OCD symptoms, commonly seen OCD types, and how an OCD therapist in California could help.

  • Anxiety brain line art with black background representing excessive worry and overthinking. Anxiety can cause you to think the worst case scenario. Contact an Anxiety therapist in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA. 90048 | 90069 | 90401

    Anxiety Therapy

    Do you worry excessively about things that don’t seem to be a big deal to others? Are you anxiously preoccupied with nearly everything in your life? Learn more about the signs and symptoms of anxiety and how online Anxiety Treatment in California could help.

  • Socially anxious brain line art on beige background representing the constant fear of being judged. You mentally rehearse social interactions and feel anxious. Connect with therapy for social anxiety in Orange County, CA. 92663 | 92660 | 92618

    Social Anxiety Therapy (Social Phobia)

    Do social situations bring up a constant fear of being judged? Does this fear cause you to avoid things that you really want to? Learn more about social anxiety (also known as social phobia) and how Social Anxiety Treatment in California could help.

  • Perfectionist brain line art on navy blue background representing the mind of an anxious perfectionist. Therapy for overthinking and perfectionism in California could help. Connect with a therapist in California. 94109 | 94123 | 94611

    Therapy for Perfectionism

    Are those high expectations and rigid rules causing you to burn out? Are you an anxious perfectionist spending too much time overanalyzing and overthinking everything? Learn more about how Therapy for Perfectionism in California could help.

Specialized OCD Treatment

Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)

Learn more about ERP therapy, an evidence-based treatment for OCD and other anxiety-related disorders. ERP therapy is the most widely researched treatment for OCD and is very effective. This treatment targets the compulsions that fuel the OCD cycle through a gradual and systemic approach.

Inference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT)

Learn about I-CBT, an evidence-based treatment for OCD. This is a great option for those who may have tried ERP therapy and did not achieve the outcome they had hoped, or those looking for an alternative. This approach targets the faulty reasoning process that leads to the formation of the Obsessional Doubt (OCD obsession).

Waves on gray background representing wins and challenges of I-CBT therapy for OCD. Inference-based CBT is a treatment that can help with OCD symptoms. Connect with an I-CBT therapist in Los Angeles, Orange County, CA, and throughout California.
White tiles background behind OCD therapy consultation call block. Connect to specialized OCD and Anxiety Treatment. OCD therapy in San Francisco (SF), San Jose, Silicon Valley, and throughout California.

If you’re a fellow overthinker, you’re probably keeping yourself stuck! OCD and Anxiety therapy is right around the corner, you don’t have to continue delaying. Connect below for your free 15-minute intro call.