It’s Not A Quirk

OCD Therapy in Los Angeles, Orange County, CA, and Throughout California

What is OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. When left untreated, symptoms can worsen and cause significant impairment in everyday functioning. We can divide OCD into 3 main components, which we will look at below.

Wooden blocks spelling OCD with magnifier. An online OCD specialist can help with diagnosis and treatment of OCD symptoms like distressing obsessions and compulsions. Contact an OCD therapist in California.

The ‘O’ in OCD = Obsessions

OCD obsessions can show up as intrusive and recurring thoughts, mental images, and urges. They are unwanted and ego-dystonic. This means that they go against the individual’s values and who they are as a person. We may all experience strange and unwanted thoughts from time to time. But thoughts like these feel very significant and threatening to the person with OCD. As a result, they cause feelings of anxiety and distress. These feelings lead individuals to engage in compulsive behaviors.

The ‘C’ in OCD = Compulsions

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals that an individual is compelled to perform. They are done in response to the anxiety or distress caused by the obsession. The function of a compulsion is to reduce these feelings or to prevent a feared outcome from coming true. These behaviors can be overt physical acts that others can observe. Examples include checking, researching, redoing things, seeking reassurance, etc. They could also be covert mental acts that others cannot see. Examples include mentally reviewing, counting, praying, rumination, etc. The compulsions are generally bothersome and time-consuming. The individual doesn’t want to be doing them but feels like they have to.

The ‘D’ in OCD = Distress and Disorder

To meet diagnostic criteria for OCD, symptoms must impact the individual’s life. Symptoms are distressing and cause interference in functioning in one or more domains. They may affect one’s social, academic, home, or work life. In other words, the symptoms need to be causing a problem in the individual’s life.

OCD can keep one stuck in an endless loop throughout the day and cause one to doubt and fear things that they may logically know are not true. Some individuals may experience tremendous shame and guilt due to the stigma and taboo nature of their thoughts.

Rubik's cube on a white background. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can trap your thinking, but an OCD therapist in California can help. Start OCD treatment in Orange County, CA here!

Don’t let OCD trap you like a mental Rubik’s Cube that you’re compelled to solve. Learn to let it sit unresolved.

You’re ready to stop wasting energy on something you’ve ‘resolved’ hundreds of times already. Connect to OCD therapy in Los Angeles!

What is an OCD type or theme?

Just like ice cream is made from the same ingredients but comes in different flavors, OCD is composed of the same symptoms but can show up in varying OCD types or themes. Sometimes one OCD type is predominant, but it is also common for individuals with OCD to have the presence of more than one OCD type at the same time. It’s also possible for the various OCD themes to shift in level of strength. One OCD type might feel predominant now, but over time, that one may start to feel weaker and another will become more predominant.

OCD treatment does not differ according to the OCD type. The tools learned are applicable all across the board, regardless of the OCD theme. However, since treatment targets each individual’s unique triggers and fears, it will look differently from client to client.

What are some common OCD types or themes?

Below are some examples of the ways that OCD obsessions and compulsions can show up depending on the OCD type. There will be variations in how OCD presents for each person, even within the same OCD theme. It is also important to note that one could still meet criteria for OCD even if their symptoms do not fit any of these commonly seen OCD types. OCD is known to latch on to nearly anything and can show up in very unique ways.

Contamination OCD

I might get sick and die.

Cleans everything they touch with a disinfectant wipe, washes hands in a ritualistic manner (in a pattern of 3’s- with 3 pumps of soap, while counting to 3, for a total of 3 hand washes), keeps mental track of everything that is “dirty” and “clean” and avoids and cross-contamination.

White bar soap and suds representing contamination OCD hand washing ritual. OCD treatment in Los Angeles, CA can help with any OCD type. Connect with an online OCD therapist in California.

Existential OCD

Maybe the life that I’m living is not real, maybe it’s all an illusion and we are all fake.

Engages in testing behaviors to convince themselves that their loved ones exist, pinches themself to prove that they are real, spends hours online researching this topic or asking questions on forums, seeks reassurance from others, spends a lot of time mentally analyzing the situation.  

Forbidden/Taboo OCD

I just thought about having sex with my brother, does that mean I actually want to do it?

Spends time mentally “arguing” with the thoughts during interactions with brother, avoids making eye contact when they are together, cancels plans with brother when thoughts feel strong, avoids answering brother’s calls, or takes long to reply back to his text messages.

Harm OCD

What if I suddenly “lose it” and hurt my mother?

Avoids standing too close to mom when they are in the same room, keeps hands in fists when standing near anything sharp or heavy when mom is around, frequently isolates in room to avoid mom when she is home.

”Just Right” or Perfectionism OCD

I scratched my left arm and now my right arm feels mismatched, I can’t handle the discomfort.

Immediately interrupts what they are doing and spends an excessive amount of time scratching both sides until they feel even and '“just right”. 

Perfectly aligned and symmetrical colored pencils representing just right or perfectionism OCD. An OCD therapist in California can teach you how to manage no matter the OCD type.

Pedophilia OCD

What if I am secretly attracted to children and become a pedophile?

Avoids places where there might be children, avoids hugging or being in close contact with their own children, frequently reviews reasons why these thoughts aren’t true, repeats “you’re a good person” over and over in their mind to drown out the distressing thoughts.

Perinatal OCD

What if I spontaneously throw my baby down the stairs?

Avoids using stairs with baby, asks others to carry baby up/down stairs, self-reassures by mentally repeating “I love my baby, I would never hurt them”, grips baby extra tight and stays as far as possible when walking past any stairs.

Relationship OCD

What if I don’t really love my partner and our relationship is based on a lie?

Spends time reviewing past events to find evidence that they love their partner, constantly checks their emotions whenever they are with their partner, mentally analyzes their actions to determine whether they are behaving like someone that is in love.

Scrupulosity OCD (Moral or Religious)

Was that thing that I did “bad” and does that make me an immoral person?

Replays event in mind over and over trying to resolve this dilemma, asks others what they think in an effort to get their reassurance, excessively apologizes for anything that could’ve been offensive, confesses things that they think they may have done wrong to clear their conscious.

Good versus bad arrows representing moral or religious scrupulosity OCD. OCD treatment in California can help with any OCD theme. Schedule an appointment with an online OCD therapist in California..

Sexual Orientation OCD

What if I’m gay and I don’t know it?

Avoids hanging out with their gay friends, checks for potential signs of arousal around people of the same sex, seeks reassurance from others about their sexuality, excessively researches the internet for material to determine if they are gay or straight.

Suicidal OCD

I could easily choke myself with this belt, does that mean that I want to kill myself?

Hides all belts, ties, scarves, in the closet and stops wearing them, mentally reviews all the reasons why they want to live to “prove” to themselves that they are not suicidal, reads stories about people who have died by suicide and compares their lives to their own.

Typewriter showing words fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It can be hard coping with symptoms of OCD. Get help managing OCD from an online OCD therapist in California.

OCD doesn’t have to continue robbing your life. Reach out to an OCD Therapist in California!

You’re tired of the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that OCD has caused. You refuse to let it continue. Connect with OCD treatment in Orange County, CA below.

I think I have OCD, what should I do?

If you suspect having OCD, the first step would be to get an evaluation. It is best to seek the help of a therapist who has an understanding of OCD and specialized training in treating it. There are some good reasons for this. I share more about that in 4 Reasons Why You Should Consider An OCD Specialist.

Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP) is the most widely researched treatment for OCD. Research has shown it to be effective with symptom reduction in up to 80% of cases, and it is often recommended as the first line of treatment for OCD. Some clients do well with ERP therapy alone, while others benefit from a combination approach with psychotropic medication. Many clinicians will combine ERP with elements of other treatment modalities that align with it like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness skills.

Inference-Based CBT (I-CBT) is another stand alone evidence-based treatment for OCD. It has been around since the 1990’s and gaining more attention within the United States over the last few years.

Online OCD Therapy in California can help you:

  • Learn about the OCD cycle and how to disrupt and weaken it.

  • Increase self-awareness and your ability to identify and reduce unhelpful compulsions.

  • Respond more effectively to distressing thoughts, images, and urges.

  • Teach your brain new information that disproves old beliefs. You will make and reinforce new and adaptive associations.

  • Confront triggering situations with more ease and confidence. You can get back to doing the important things that you’ve been avoiding.

OCD Therapy in Los Angeles, Orange County, and throughout California is a just click away. Schedule your free 15-minute intro call below!

Where can I learn more about OCD?

International OCD Foundation (IOCDF)

The IOCDF is a non-profit organization dedicated to the OCD community on multiple levels. It supports individuals with OCD, families, providers, and researchers. You can find the latest information on treatment, research, conferences, trainings, support services, and more.

The IOCDF has local affiliates throughout the country, including California and New York. These chapters continue the general mission on a community-based level. This includes raising funds, awareness, providing education/resources, and planning programs and events. California has affiliate chapters serving Southern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Sacramento. New York has a chapter serving the entire state.

Maybe OCD isn’t the only thing you’re dealing with. We’re human, it happens.